Introducing QueryMind

The intelligent SQL notebook

Seamlessly integrate AI, query multi-database connections, and visualize data with an elegant notebook interface.

Multi-DB SupportGit IntegrationLocal & Remote Data
QueryMind Notebook
Northeast region showing 15% YoY growth
AI Assistant
Analyzing patterns in your sales data...
Packed with Power

Modern SQL Notebook with Intelligent Features

A flexible environment for data exploration, analysis, and collaboration with powerful AI integration.

Multi-DB Connections

Connect to multiple databases simultaneously and join data across different sources.

AI Integration

Seamlessly use AI assistants to analyze data, generate queries, and explain results.

Interactive Visualizations

Create charts, pivots, and dashboards directly from your query results.

Flexible Cell Types

Mix markdown, SQL, charts, prompts, and more in a seamless notebook interface.

Multiple Data Formats

Work with CSV, JSON, Excel, Parquet and more, both local and remote.

Git Integration

Version control your notebooks and collaborate with your team.

Advanced SQL Tools

Auto-completion, query history, and intelligent suggestions for faster development.

Local & Secure

All data stays on your machine. Add AI providers with secure credential storage.

Versatile & Powerful

QueryMind for Every Data Need

From data analysis to database management and teaching, QueryMind adapts to your workflow.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Explore, visualize, and analyze data from multiple sources with a powerful notebook interface. Create stunning visualizations and generate insights using SQL and AI.

AI & Automation

Intelligent Workflows with AI Agents

Transform your notebooks into powerful AI tools that automate data workflows and create intelligent assistants.

AI Agent Workflow

Notebooks as AI Tools

Transform entire notebooks into reusable tools for AI agents. Define parameters in input cells and return results from output cells, creating a seamless workflow.

Data-Powered Assistants

Build AI assistants with direct access to your data sources. Combine AI reasoning with SQL queries to create agents that can analyze, visualize, and explain data insights.

Intelligent Automation

Create automation bots that combine the power of AI with data access. Schedule workflows to generate reports, send alerts, or perform complex data operations automatically.

Cell-based Functions

Define input cells as function parameters that can be dynamically populated by AI agents, creating reusable data workflows.

Dynamic Execution

AI agents can execute notebook cells, analyze the results, and make decisions based on the data, creating intelligent workflows.

Output as Results

End cell outputs become tool results for AI agents, enabling them to process and act on data insights automatically.